Thursday, October 18, 2012

A Day in the Life of Jack - Take Two

Three months ago when Jackson was almost six months old I did a post on a day in the life of Jackson. I think it was my most popular post everyone loved it and so did I. Now that Jackson is almost nine months I decided it was time to do it again. Looking back on that post I can't believe how much has changed in just three short months! So here we go again, a day in the life of Jack...

7:07 - Dad arrives in my room and finds me sitting up, my new favorite thing to do now in my crib. He changes my diaper and we head out to the kitchen.

7:10-7:20- I hang out in my highchair and eat snacks while Dad eats breakfast. 

7:27 - Time to wake up Mom!

7:36 - Dad heads off to work and I drink some of Mom's milk
7:46 - Mom & I eat breakfast together, I have oatmeal and prunes.

I chewed on Sophie while Mom got my breakfast ready because my top tooth is coming in!

Licking my bib clean, I love my oatmeal!

7:57 - I'm done with breakfast and Mom cleans my face, yuck I hate that part!!
8:00 - I play in my play yard while Mom gets dressed and ready for Stroller Strides

I love to stand and play at my table

I like to play with my car too

8:17 - Mom is ready to go and now it's my turn she changes my diaper and gets me dressed
8:24 - Mom gets me strapped into my car seat and ready to go.
8:27 - We are headed out the door Mom loads me in the car and we are off to Stroller Strides
8:45 - We arrived at Bear Creek Park and Mom gets the Stroller out and gets me ready to go
9:00 - 10:00 - Stroller Strides, I watch Mrs. Bethany work Mom hard all around Bear Creek Park
10:00 - Stroller Strides is over and I play with my friends 
10:22 - Time to head home

Packed in my car seat ready to head home and giving Mom some wonderful smiles

10:42 - We arrive home, Mom changes my diaper and feeds me some of Mom's milk
10:55 - Mom & I head into the office she starts this blog and I have fun playing in my exersaucer and being her helper. 

11:50 - Dad arrives home for lunch!!
11:51- Dad picks me up to greet me and I have a little surprise for him, an almost blow out, Dad changes my very yucky diaper, lucky Mom for missing that one!
12:00 - Time for lunch I have avocado and banana 

I'm not thrilled that lunch is over

12:17 - done with lunch and time for me to get cleaned up, I really don't like that part
12:20 - Time to play

headed into the pantry, I need more food!

12:32 - Dad heads back to work
12:36 - I decide to use this box as a walker, it works great

12:37 - I fall down and get upset but Mom makes me feel better
12:39 - Mom really needs a shower because she is gross from Stroller Strides, I play in my exersaucer while she showers and I even let her blow dry her hair today!
1:10 - Mom & I play in my play yard until it's nap time

Goofing around with Mom

I don't see why I shouldn't lay on this table

1:55 - Time to get ready for my nap, I get a fresh diaper, put my sleep sack on, Mom reads me The Pigeon Has Feelings, Too, I drink some of Mom's milk and she sings me a few songs.
2:09 - I'm out cold, I always go down quick on one nap days
4:14 - I'm up Mom comes and gets me and gives me a fresh diaper

I found these pjs Mom forgot on the side of my crib they are fun to play with!

4:20 - Head into the kitchen with Mom and play in my jumper while she gets dinner started

Mom turns on some music and we have a good time making dinner

5:08 - Time to have some of Mom's milk
5:14 - I crawl around in the kitchen waiting for Dad to come home

I love pulling up on anything I can find

5:24 - Dad's home and I am excited!
5:31 - I help Dad shred chicken for dinner and me and Trigger get to snack on some too! Mom forgot corn tortillas for the chicken enchiladas so she has to run to the store and get some, silly Mom!

helping Dad is a lot of fun!

5:42 - I play with Dad and show him all the cool stuff I can pull up on

I can pull up on my highchair!

and the ottoman too!

6:25 - Dad puts me in my highchair and I snack on some cheese and tortilla while I wait for my dinner
6:27 - Dinner time, I have fruit smoothie, Mom and Dad have nothing because Mom couldn't get the chicken enchiladas ready in time, they will eat after I go to bed. 

I love fruit smoothie!! 
6:45 - Bath Time!

I really love bath time!!

playing with all my toys is fun!

6:53 - done with bath time and now it's time to get dried off and put on my pjs

7:03 - Time for my bottle with Dad

7:13 - Done with my bottle, Mom comes in and reads Harry The Dirty Dog
7:15 - I give out hugs and kisses before bed time

Mom gives me a lot of kisses

7:17 - Mom & Dad sing me some songs while Dad rocks me
7:19 - Dad puts me in my crib and I roll around for a while
7:24 - I am asleep for the night, time for Mom & Dad to eat dinner and relax. 

After writing this post I went back and reviewed the post from when Jack was almost 6 months, times have really changed. No more getting up several times a night, which makes life much easier but a lot more chasing Jack all around the house since he is so mobile! It truly amazes me how much can change and I believe life is a bit easier at 9 months then it was at 6 months. I think part of that is because Jack is a little more independent now. I'm glad I did this again and I think I will do it at least one more time at 1 year, I can't even imagine what life will be like then and I am not quite ready for that either!

Jack has been a real goose today, it took him over an hour of shenanigans before he decided to settle down and take his nap. At one point I looked at the monitor and this is what I found...

It's like he knows exactly where the camera is

Even though napping was a little difficult this morning, he never got unhappy during this hour. He was happy to roll around, sit up and stand up until he finally wore himself out. I guess it might be time to think about pushing the morning nap back. Today I will leave you with a picture of Jack this morning after our run.

1 comment:

  1. He is soooo cute Melissa! You and Adam definitely should make more babies! :)
