Thursday, July 26, 2012

Country Living

I love going out to my in-laws house in the country, it's such a nice break from city living! You can't see the neighbors when you sit outside, you can see all the stars and I mean all of them it's so beautiful, the air is  fresh, lots of trees and it's very peaceful and relaxing. We got a chance to go visit them for an extended weekend which was nice, since both our families live within 45 minutes of each other we are always trying to fit everyone in each time we visit. My parents were out of town and although we missed getting to see my family it was nice to not feel so rushed and get to relax a little.

We went to visit so we could celebrate the upcoming marriage of my sister-in-law, Abigail. I helped plan a Bridal Shower for her and the guys were also having a Skeet Shoot for David, the groom to be. The shower turned out wonderful and I think everyone had a good time, here are some pictures from the Shower and Skeet Shoot...

All the Hueske ladies at the shower

Jackson hanging out with Aunt Connie, Amy & Sara

Abigail, Amanda & Walker

Abigail opening presents

Jackson with his Aunt Abi

These are the shower favors I made, I was pretty happy with how they turned out!

After the shower the girls headed back to my in-laws house to join the men at the skeet shoot

The bride and groom at the skeet shot, I think they planned the outfits haha!

Jackson hanging out with his Pop, he did so good he only had one nap but was a happy little guy

The next morning after all the hustle and bustle of the shower was finished and everyone else was sleeping in and resting up, Adam & I of course were up bright and early with Jackson. We headed out to the front porch to sip on our coffee and have some family time and it was wonderful, we talked about life and what we wanted and imagined a day when hopefully we can live out in the country closer to our families, it was a wonderful morning just the four of us, Adam, Jackson, Trigger and I. 

Jackson & Dad hanging out on the front porch

Mom & Jackson

Dad feeding Jack oatmeal and Trigger helping, Trigger loves the country too

We did a lot of other things on our trip home like visit Michael, Michelle & Avery. Avery is going to be one very soon and Jackson found her fascinating but unfortunately I didn't get any pictures. Here are some more pictures from our trip home...

Aunt Abi was very excited to see Jack, we got there kind of late but Jack was able to hang out

The next morning Jack was ready to show off some of his new skills

Jackson was excited to see Pop and eat some oatmeal in Grammy's highchair

I love this picture you can see how much his Aunt & Pawpaw love him!

I like this one too, both kids are home and his grandkid!

Hanging out with Nanny right before bed time

Grammy feeding Jackson oatmeal and prunes

Getting a bath at Grammy's house is always fun!

Feeding the fish at Pop's pond

Dad & Jackson, he wore his hat for a little bit

Jackson & Mom at the pond

All of us at Pop's pond

Trying out Avery's pink swing, it was fun!

That was it, we had a really great trip home and we got to see lots of family and friends! We are looking forward to Abigail and David's wedding, the whole family is in it so that should be lots of fun! 

My Little Boy is Growing Up - 6 Months

A whole half a year has gone by since Jackson has blessed our lives and I am finding it hard to believe. Our little boy is not a little baby anymore he is rolling around, semi sitting up, playing with his toys, laughing all the time, gives out smiles constantly, sleeping on his belly, learning how to use a sippy cup and I am pretty sure he is getting ready to crawl. 

As I look back on the 6 months that have gone by I can't believe how far we have come. I remember his first bath and the peeing in his eye freak out, going to the grocery store with him for the first time by myself, getting the hang of breastfeeding, transitioning him to his crib, getting up multiple times a night for feedings and really just being plain terrified I was going to break him! Now he is my little man, my sidekick and we go everywhere together always finding new adventures and it seems like we have gotten the hang of things. How things change in a half a year, it's been fun, scary, exhausting, heart warming, loving, frustrating, hard and awesome to raise this little man so far and frankly I don't ever want him to grow up, I want him to stay my little man forever!! I love him with my whole heart and he means the world to me and I thank god each day that I have the honor of being his mother and raising him! Now for his 6 months likes and dislikes...

This little guy did not want to participate in Mom's photo shoot!

Here are some other things our little man has been up to lately...

This is my blue cup it is both frustrating and fun and probably one of my favorite toys

You can see my 2 teeth if you look really close, Mom thinks I am working on some more soon

I am so cute they can't help but take a million pictures of me!

My new pjs my parents got me, they are a little snug, we are going to have to get some new ones soon

My parents give me all these toys to play with but...

I like to drop them all on the floor!

I like to roll right over my toys

Mom gave me this banana pop, I am very serious about my Popsicle!

This is my dog Trigger, I really like him he makes me laugh and smile!

I like to play in my exersaucer, it's a lot of fun!

This is me and my Dad on my 6 month birthday, he got glasses, I like them and if you look close you can see my teeth again!

They tried to put a hat on me, I don't think I like hats!

I also don't think I like carrots but they got a little better when mixed with pears

This is my new sippy cup, I am still learning how to use it

That's what Jackson has been up to, I think this month will be very interesting for Mom & Dad since Jackson is getting more and more mobile everyday! I am going to do another post today about our trip home so stayed tuned for that!

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

A Day in the Life of Jack

It's hard to believe but next Friday our little man will be 6 months old! He has been turning our world upside down for a half a year now and we wouldn't want it any other way! I wanted to do a post to show y'all and also so one day I can look back and remember what it is like on an average day for Jackson and I.

I'm  loving being a stay at home Mom and I can't imagine having it any other way. I'm very thankful that Adam and I were able to make the decision to let me stay at home. That being said I decided the day would be a Stroller Strides Day because those are our favorite days except of course when Daddy is home on the weekends. Stroller Strides has been an amazing thing for me as a new Mom and I can't imagine I would be nearly as happy without it, not because of Jack I love him so so much but because I would be very lonely if I hadn't made all these wonderful new Mom friends. I've never loved exercise and never been good at being consistent with an exercise routine until Stroller Strides. I look forward to working out now and love being with the Moms and getting all the wonderful Mommy help and advice. I also know Jackson will soon be making some friends and out there running around on the playground with them. I feel healthier and I feel better about myself and I'm inching closer and closer to my pre pregnancy body and I hope to go even further than that! I don't know who really reads my blog but if you are a new Mom or even not so new I would highly recommend finding a group like this, it has truly been amazing for me! Alright sorry couldn't help but give a little shout out to Stroller Strides but I will now get on with a day in the life, which by the way I am recording it in real time this is exactly what happened to Jack and I today...

I woke up my parents twice during the night before it was time to eat and they put my paci back in and I went back to sleep. Normally I go all the way till it's time to eat but sometimes I have a night like tonight where I like to wake my parents up just for fun.
4:18 - I'm up and I am ready to eat, Dad comes in and changes my diaper Mom follows with the good stuff and nurses me back to sleep
4:31 - Mom puts me back in bed asleep but the joke is on her because as soon as she leaves the room I start talking and Dad comes back later and puts my paci back in.
6:00-6:15 - I am up and talking
6:16 - Dad comes in and puts my paci in hoping I will make it till his alarm goes off at 6:30 I think that is funny and continue to talk in my bed but my talking seems to be turning angry.
6:31- Mom and Dad have basically been up since I got up at 6:00 but Dad decides he will finally come get me, I am VERY happy to see him!
(Let me just note that normally Jack goes to sleep wakes up at 4:00-4:30 goes right back to sleep and doesn't get up till 7:00 but of course he has to remind me that life is never predictable when you have a baby on board)

Happy to see Dad in the morning!

Joke is on Dad that paci he tried to put in my mouth I threw it on the floor

6:36-6:50- I hang out in the bathroom with Dad while he showers and gets dressed.

7:00- help Dad make his oatmeal for breakfast.

7:07-7:29 - I played on my mat and watched Dad eat his oatmeal.

Me and Rupard in the morning

Clifford and Iceberg are fun too, I have a lot of toys!

7:30 - It's time to wake up Mom! (Dad is very nice and lets Mom sleep till 7:30 every morning)

Waking up Mom in the morning is so much fun!

Trigger comes too he likes to help!

7:35 - wait at the table for Mom to get my oatmeal ready.

I'm waiting Mom where is the oatmeal!

7:39 - Dad says goodbye and leaves for work.

7:41 - Mom and I sit down for breakfast.

Oatmeal again Mom what????

Alright, Alright I guess I do like it but let me help please

7:48 - We are done with breakfast and Mom gets me cleaned up.
7:51 - I play on my mat again while Mom gets dressed and gets us ready for Stroller Strides.

8:14- I finish off my breakfast with a little of Mom's milk.
8:24 - I'm done eating and Mom gets me a fresh diaper, puts on my clothes, takes a picture to send to Dad and packs me up for Stroller Strides.
8:33 - Mom and I head out the door for Stroller Strides, Mom grabs a second cup of coffee because it's just that kind of day.
8:53 - Mom & I arrive at Bear Creek Park she gets the stroller and all my supplies out of the car and gets me strapped in the stroller and ready to go.

All ready to go and watch my Mom workout, I like to grab my fan it's fun

9:00 - The hot workout begins and I watch as Mom gets very sweaty and does things like this..

She ran up this hill a couple times

Mom peeks through at me and I am chewing on my toy but about half way through I end up like this...

I always take a little cat nap while Mom is working hard

In the end we all end up here at the playground I am still napping but I will get up soon

10:00 - The work out is done and it's time to hang out with my friends

Here I am with all my friends, lots of boys!

11:00 - Mom and I are back in the car and headed home.
11:18 - We made it back home and I am hungry Mommy feeds me milk and gets me a clean diaper.
11:31- Mom is pretty yucky from her workout so she hops in the shower while I play in the bathroom.

11:48 - Mom is out of the shower and I am tired of playing in the bathroom so maybe Mom will get to blow dry her hair later but for now we are headed to play on my mat
11:54 - Dad is home for lunch!!

Mom & Dad help me practice sitting up

12:26 - Dad heads back to work and I play in my exersaucer until it's nap time

12:31 - I didn't last very long, I am tired from waking up so early, Mom and I head back to my room to change my diaper, read Little Pea, sing some songs and put me down for my nap.
12:44 - I am down for my nap, when I take a good nap Mom and I are both happier, it's a good time for us both re energize. Mom usually naps, does house work, gets something out for dinner, blow dries her hair, blogs or whatever else she might need to get done. 

2:22 - I start crying Mom heads back to check on me, usually a good sign of if I am done with a nap is how I wake up, if I wake up happy and talking I am done napping but if I wake up crying I usually need to nap a little longer.
2:39 - Mom gave me some of her milk and rocked me and I am back asleep.
2:44 - I am up again but still not happy Mom rocks me a little and I go back to sleep.
2:49- Mom thinks I am back up but I am just playing a little joke on her, I am funny like that.
2:53 - Ok I really am up this time and I am happy and talking. 
3:07 - I've been talking and rolling around in my crib for a while so Mom heads in to get me out and get me a clean diaper.

Happy to see Mom!

3:12 - Mom sets me up to play in the office

I don't really like the set up so I roll off the blanket and think her chair is much more fun to play with!

3:37 - I've had enough of rolling around in the office so Mom picks me up and I help her at the computer

I am very good with helping Mom at the computer

3:53 - I am tired of helping Mom at the computer it's time for a Popsicle to hopefully help with my sore gums from teething
3:58 - I've got the pear Popsicle in hand and I very serious about sucking on it!

4:04- I am done with my Popsicle and I am not happy about it, Mom cleans me up and puts me on my mat to play
4:06 - I am not happy about playing on my mat, Mom finishes cleaning up the Popsicle and comes to play with me on my mat
4:59 - I am hungry, time for some more of my Mommy's milk AND Dad will be home soon!! I get another clean diaper too.
5:09 - I am done eating and Dad has told us he is on his way home!!
5:35 - Dad is home and I am excited!
5:49 - I hang out with Dad while Mom gets dinner ready for us.
6:13 - I come into the kitchen and jump in my jumper.

6:26 - I am ready for dinner and they aren't going fast enough Dad is walking me around trying to make me happy
6:30 - It's family dinner time, I am having pears which I love and butternut squash which I don't love but Mom is trying to trick me by combining them and it won't work!

I'm on to you Mom you know I don't like these!

Trigger Pita headed Mom trying to get some of my food!

After I get done eating I play while Mom and Dad finish their food

6:50 - Dinner is done and they get me ready for my bath
6:55 - Bath Time!

Me and Dad, I am all clean!

7:02 - I'm out of the bath Dad dries me off and gets me a new diaper and puts my pjs on while Mom warms up my bottle

I'm nice and clean and in my pjs

7:08 - My bottle is ready and it's Dad's turn to feed me, he always feeds me at night, it's our special time together.

Dad giving me my bottle

7:19 - I'm done with my bottle Mom comes in and reads me Chicka Chicka Boom Boom and Mom and Dad sing me my songs while Dad rocks me to sleep
7:27 - I'm out cold, it's been a long day!

7:30 - It's time for my Mom & Dad to relax before it starts all over tomorrow!

And that my friends is a day in the life of our almost 6 months old Jackson Floyd Hueske. So what did you do today haha??? I'm glad I did this so in detail because it has been pretty entertaining to really look at what our day was like!