Thursday, July 26, 2012

Country Living

I love going out to my in-laws house in the country, it's such a nice break from city living! You can't see the neighbors when you sit outside, you can see all the stars and I mean all of them it's so beautiful, the air is  fresh, lots of trees and it's very peaceful and relaxing. We got a chance to go visit them for an extended weekend which was nice, since both our families live within 45 minutes of each other we are always trying to fit everyone in each time we visit. My parents were out of town and although we missed getting to see my family it was nice to not feel so rushed and get to relax a little.

We went to visit so we could celebrate the upcoming marriage of my sister-in-law, Abigail. I helped plan a Bridal Shower for her and the guys were also having a Skeet Shoot for David, the groom to be. The shower turned out wonderful and I think everyone had a good time, here are some pictures from the Shower and Skeet Shoot...

All the Hueske ladies at the shower

Jackson hanging out with Aunt Connie, Amy & Sara

Abigail, Amanda & Walker

Abigail opening presents

Jackson with his Aunt Abi

These are the shower favors I made, I was pretty happy with how they turned out!

After the shower the girls headed back to my in-laws house to join the men at the skeet shoot

The bride and groom at the skeet shot, I think they planned the outfits haha!

Jackson hanging out with his Pop, he did so good he only had one nap but was a happy little guy

The next morning after all the hustle and bustle of the shower was finished and everyone else was sleeping in and resting up, Adam & I of course were up bright and early with Jackson. We headed out to the front porch to sip on our coffee and have some family time and it was wonderful, we talked about life and what we wanted and imagined a day when hopefully we can live out in the country closer to our families, it was a wonderful morning just the four of us, Adam, Jackson, Trigger and I. 

Jackson & Dad hanging out on the front porch

Mom & Jackson

Dad feeding Jack oatmeal and Trigger helping, Trigger loves the country too

We did a lot of other things on our trip home like visit Michael, Michelle & Avery. Avery is going to be one very soon and Jackson found her fascinating but unfortunately I didn't get any pictures. Here are some more pictures from our trip home...

Aunt Abi was very excited to see Jack, we got there kind of late but Jack was able to hang out

The next morning Jack was ready to show off some of his new skills

Jackson was excited to see Pop and eat some oatmeal in Grammy's highchair

I love this picture you can see how much his Aunt & Pawpaw love him!

I like this one too, both kids are home and his grandkid!

Hanging out with Nanny right before bed time

Grammy feeding Jackson oatmeal and prunes

Getting a bath at Grammy's house is always fun!

Feeding the fish at Pop's pond

Dad & Jackson, he wore his hat for a little bit

Jackson & Mom at the pond

All of us at Pop's pond

Trying out Avery's pink swing, it was fun!

That was it, we had a really great trip home and we got to see lots of family and friends! We are looking forward to Abigail and David's wedding, the whole family is in it so that should be lots of fun! 

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