Thursday, July 26, 2012

My Little Boy is Growing Up - 6 Months

A whole half a year has gone by since Jackson has blessed our lives and I am finding it hard to believe. Our little boy is not a little baby anymore he is rolling around, semi sitting up, playing with his toys, laughing all the time, gives out smiles constantly, sleeping on his belly, learning how to use a sippy cup and I am pretty sure he is getting ready to crawl. 

As I look back on the 6 months that have gone by I can't believe how far we have come. I remember his first bath and the peeing in his eye freak out, going to the grocery store with him for the first time by myself, getting the hang of breastfeeding, transitioning him to his crib, getting up multiple times a night for feedings and really just being plain terrified I was going to break him! Now he is my little man, my sidekick and we go everywhere together always finding new adventures and it seems like we have gotten the hang of things. How things change in a half a year, it's been fun, scary, exhausting, heart warming, loving, frustrating, hard and awesome to raise this little man so far and frankly I don't ever want him to grow up, I want him to stay my little man forever!! I love him with my whole heart and he means the world to me and I thank god each day that I have the honor of being his mother and raising him! Now for his 6 months likes and dislikes...

This little guy did not want to participate in Mom's photo shoot!

Here are some other things our little man has been up to lately...

This is my blue cup it is both frustrating and fun and probably one of my favorite toys

You can see my 2 teeth if you look really close, Mom thinks I am working on some more soon

I am so cute they can't help but take a million pictures of me!

My new pjs my parents got me, they are a little snug, we are going to have to get some new ones soon

My parents give me all these toys to play with but...

I like to drop them all on the floor!

I like to roll right over my toys

Mom gave me this banana pop, I am very serious about my Popsicle!

This is my dog Trigger, I really like him he makes me laugh and smile!

I like to play in my exersaucer, it's a lot of fun!

This is me and my Dad on my 6 month birthday, he got glasses, I like them and if you look close you can see my teeth again!

They tried to put a hat on me, I don't think I like hats!

I also don't think I like carrots but they got a little better when mixed with pears

This is my new sippy cup, I am still learning how to use it

That's what Jackson has been up to, I think this month will be very interesting for Mom & Dad since Jackson is getting more and more mobile everyday! I am going to do another post today about our trip home so stayed tuned for that!

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