Monday, June 1, 2009

Busy, Busy Weekends!

Travis & Uncle Adam

Sweet Little Travis Sleeping

Travis sleeping on Auntie

Katy's signature smile

Travis & Katy

Adam & Mike playing bean bags

Mike & Me Playing Bean Bags

Finished Chair

Adam Working on our chairs

Mike Grilling

Katie & Me

We have been very very busy these last few weekends and it doesn't look like things are slowing down anytime soon. Sorry it's been such a long time since I have posted anything!

Memorial Day weekend was a lot of fun for Adam & I!! We grilled every night and hung out with Katie & Mike. The weekend before Adam made bean bag toss boards and we got lots of use out of them Memorial Day weekend. We also decided it was time to finally refinish our outside table and chairs. It was hard work and we still have to finish the table but they look so much better!!

This last weekend we went to Glen Rose with the Cox family for a camp out. Adam got to meet his nephew Travis for the first time and they got along great he already thinks his Uncle Adam is pretty funny and nice to sleep on! We went to the state park to see the dinosaur footprints. We also swam in the pool and the rivers and had lots of fun trying to teach Katy how to swim. She is doing pretty good and I think she will have it down very soon. Overall it was a very fun weekend and nice to spend time with the family.

When Adam & I got home we decided to go buy a kiddie pool so we could relax in our backyard in the pool. So we spent the rest of the day in our pool and grilling out hamburgers. I think we have many more fun times to come in our new kiddie pool!!

I hope everyone has a great week and I will try to be better about posting more!!


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Intresting comments! ;) I need the picture of Adam holding Travis! I had already put up my camera and didn't get a picture. Please e-mail it too me so when I do finally get a chance to scrapbook again I'll have it!
    Thanks You!
